DAVIS Driver Licence Checks
The DAVIS Licence Checking solution enables companies to stay on top of employee driving licence eligibility, reduce driver risk and fulfil their duty of care. DAVIS takes the worry and hassle out of driver licence checking with automated checks on an employee’s driving licence with specific parameters set by the business.
Licence checking is a legal requirement for organisations with employees that drive on work-related business and can be a labour intensive task when managed manually. Communicating directly with the driver, DAVIS digitises the entire driving licence checking process. Our award-winning Driver Risk Score feature means that risk is presented through highly visual dashboards making it easier to manage your drivers and keep on top of risk.
Whether you wish to check all of your drivers periodically, or check the drivers that are flagged as ‘high risk’ more often, DAVIS is a flexible platform to fit in with your needs. You can even scan and check a driving licence with your smartphone using the DAVIS App helping you to manage risk on the go.
Protects your company against exposure to corporate risk
Automates processes ensuring a check is never missed or forgotten
Manages your time more effectively
Simplifies your approach to managing driver and vehicle risk
Measures risk in a smarter way
Analyses driving risk on a deeper level with detailed reports
A smarter choice for managing occupational road risk
DAVIS (Driver And Vehicle Information Solutions) is a cloud-based software tool that manages driver and vehicle compliance, ensuring duty of care is addressed. Providing integrated services including Licence Checking, Company/Grey Fleet Management, E-Learning and Driver Audits for complete transparency, giving companies greater insight into driver and vehicle risk than ever before.
Why Does it Matter?

Any organisation is required, by law, to carry out checks on its drivers if driving on behalf of the company. The checks extend to the vehicles they’re driving too, even if those vehicles are employee owned. This is known as the grey fleet - employee owned vehicles that are driven for work purposes.
The good news is that DAVIS will firstly (and very quickly) identify these drivers through its Driver Audit service and then carry out the necessary checks to keep your corporate compliance in order.
What we do

Driver Audit
Provide assurance that your driver data is up to date and identify any gaps in your risk management strategy.

Licence Checking
Stay on top of employee driving licence eligibility, reducing driver risk and fulfilling your duty of care.

Grey Fleet
Essential for organisations with employees that drive their own vehicles on work-related business.

An automated training solution specifically designed to improve driver attitude and behaviour.